Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's a Boy!

Well, we've known this for quite some time - the pendulum test doesn't fail! But it's now confirmed, we are being blessed with a son sometime in late Fall. It really hit home when Scott brought home some baby essentials yesterday - little blue onesies, hats, mittens, even warm fuzzy socks for the winter. My nesting instinct kicked right in, as I marveled at the precious child that would be filling these articles of clothing. His name is a secret until the big day, but he is named after a great preacher, so we wonder if he will become one himself. He and Claire will have big shoes to fill with their names!
Claire, meanwhile, is becoming quite a genteel little lady. She says "hi" and "bye" with all her might, often repeatedly until we reply with equal vigor. She says "thank you" throughout the day, and says "Jesus" anytime she sees a crucifix. Her favorite book is Mommy's Bible that has a zipper around it, though I have to remind her that it does not need any drawings to accompany the words!
We are at quite a junction, as we wait to hear on Scott's job placements in the Fall, and wait on the Lord for direction for our next home. Will we buy or continue to rent? That is the big question, but God is leading us one step at a time. We now know where He wants us to be, but since the median house price there is $700,000, He's got to show us the next step, too!

Blessings to all who read these words!