Monday, March 3, 2008

Pentecost Baby

I had lunch with Lucy Coles today (check her out at, and I was half joking that I need to follow in her footsteps. The Lord putting her in my life has been such a gift - we met at a Mother of God prayer meeting, just as she was preparing to start a new job - on the floor above me! We spent the summer having lunches outside, and now in her office. Her friendship has meant a lot to me, and one of the gifts has been to see her through her pregnancy and now parenthood, as a prelude to my own! God truly cares for us (1 Peter 5:7) and provides for all our needs (Philippians 4:19). I have learned a great deal from Lucy, and one of my resolutions has been to start a Family Montgomery page like hers to keep our distant family abreast and involved in our lives. The internet truly connects us. So I have resolved to post pictures, videos and blogs on a regular basis that you can check out whenever you want to see what's new with us. I hope you enjoy family time with us!
On another note, I was telling Lucy how since we found out we were pregnancy Scott has disagreed with the doctors on the due date. He has always said it would be May 11, while the doctors have said May 2. Well, lo and behold the date keeps getting postponed with every ultrasound we have. Lucy asked - what's May 11th? We looked it up, and guess what? It's Pentecost Sunday! And it's Mother's Day! So I think the Holy Spirit has got a good hold of Scott! We'll see when she comes, but for now, expect Pentecost Sunday.
God bless you all.

1 comment:

Family Montgomery said...

I have known this all along. talent on loan from God.